VMI Sports KXR, 30 Servings
- Featuring our unique tri-blend of 3 unique sources of Caffeine including Infinergy®, our KXR® Preworkout has time-released energy & NO CRASH!
- The KXR® formula is loaded with 3.2 g of beta-alanine & 1.5g of Taurine to help significantly amplify muscle power and performance while training, and 300mg of Theobromine to support muscle pumps.
- KXR® is also infused with an additional 150 mg of elevATP®, a natural combination of ancient peat and apple polyphenols clinically shown to increase levels of endogenous ATP. This means more energy in the muscle cell, and therefore pushing more weight!
- For increased Focus & Cognition support, KXR® is enhanced with 500mg of VitaCholine® from Albion® as well as 300mg DMAE, and 3mg of Huperzine. DMAE and Huperzine are thought to work by increasing production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that's crucial for helping nerve cells send signals.
- Last but not least, KXR® is reinforced with 1.5mg Rauwolfia Vomitoria Root Extract, a form of Yohimbe used to boost intensity and metabolic support.
- KXR® Pre-Workout can be easily stacked with Vasogen Pump Caps, Aminogex® BCAA/EAA, and ProtoLyte® 100% Whey Isolate Protein, for improved results.